Web Design » InVision » What is the meaning of InVision?

What is the meaning of InVision?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 8:55 pm

InVision is a software development platform that helps teams build and test prototypes, rapidly iterate on designs, and develop product features. It provides tools for wireframing, user testing, collaboration, and project management.

According to a study by Fast Company, InVision is the most popular software development platform for startUPS.

PRO TIP: Invision is a software company that provides digital products and services to businesses and organizations. They offer a variety of products, including a digital whiteboard, a project management tool, and a customer service platform. While their products are generally well-regarded, some users have complained about the quality of their customer service.

InVision is a valuable tool for product development. It can help teams build and test prototypes, rapidly iterate on designs, and develop product features.

Additionally, InVision can help teams develop a shared understanding of their product. This can help teams avoid misunderstandings and improve communication.

Overall, InVision is a valuable tool for product development.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.