Web Design » Illustrator » What kind of jobs can an Illustrator get?

What kind of jobs can an Illustrator get?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:53 pm

An Illustrator can get jobs in advertising, product design, publishing, and web design, among others. As a graphic designer, Illustrator can create illustrations for brochures, advertising, or product packaging.

They can also create illustrations for websites, greeting cards, and other promotional materials.

PRO TIP: An illustrator is a person who creates illustrations for books, magazines, advertisements, etc. There are many different kinds of illustrator jobs, and an illustrator can usually get a job in any field that he or she is interested in.

Some Illustrators work in the creative department of large advertising agencies, while others freelance and work for smaller companies. The field is growing fast, so there are many opportunities for advancement.

The average salary for an Illustrator is $62,000. The best-paid Illustrators can make six-figure salaries.

Becoming an Illustrator requires a good understanding of illustration techniques and a strong portfolio.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.