Hosting » AWS » What security certifications does AWS have?

What security certifications does AWS have?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:29 pm

AWS has several security certifications, including the AWS Certified Security Associate (ACSA), the AWS Certified Secure Administrator (ACSA), and the AWS Certified Developer for AWS (CDA). ACSA is the most basic certification, and it covers the basics of securing AWS resources. The ACSA certification is available free of charge to users who are already AWS customers. The ACSA certification is also accepted by many other providers of cloud services.

PRO TIP: AWS has many security certifications, but they are all designed to protect data in transit. They will not protect your data if it is stored on an unsecure server. Make sure to have a secure server before storing your data on AWS.

CDA is the next level of certification, and it covers more advanced topics, such as creating and managing AWS resources using AWS APIs. The CDA certification is available for free to users who are already AWS customers. The CDA certification is also accepted by many other providers of cloud services.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.