Website Building » Shopify » What Size Image Is Best for Shopify?

What Size Image Is Best for Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 1:21 am

When it comes to choosing the right image size for your Shopify store, there are a few things to consider. The size of your images will affect the load time of your pages, as well as how they look when displayed on different devices.

The recommended size for product images is 1024x1024px, and the maximum file size is 4MB. Images should be in .jpg or .png format.

For category images, the recommended size is 1200x300px, and the maximum file size is 2MB. These should also be in .

PRO TIP: Images are an important part of any online store, and choosing the right size images for your Shopify store can be a bit tricky. There are a few things to consider when selecting images for your store, such as file size, image quality, and image dimensions.

When it comes to file size, you’ll want to make sure your images are no larger than 2MB. Any larger than that and your images will take too long to load, which can hurt your conversion rate. As for image quality, you’ll want to use high-resolution images that are clear and crisp. And finally, when it comes to image dimensions, the ideal size for product images is 1024×1024 pixels.

So what size image is best for Shopify? When it comes to file size, quality, and dimensions, the answer is 1024×1024 pixels.

Your homepage banner should be at least 1200x600px, and the maximum file size is 5MB. The banner can be in any format, but .jpg is typically best.

These are just general guidelines – ultimately, the decision of what image sizes to use is up to you. Experiment with different sizes and formats to see what works best for your store.

What Size Image Is Best for Shopify? The recommended size for product images is 1024x1024px, and the maximum file size is 4MB. For category images, the recommended size is 1200x300px, and the maximum file size is 2MB.

These should also be in . Your homepage banner should be at least 1200x600px, and the maximum file size is 5MB.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.