Website Building » Elementor » What theme does Elementor use?

What theme does Elementor use?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:13 am

Elementor is an online marketing platform that uses a “theme” approach to organizing its content. The platform has a variety of sections, including:

1. Homepage: The homepage is designed to introduce Elementor to users and provide quick access to the most important features.

2. Sections: Each section has its own navigation and is tailored to provide users with the information they need. Sections include:

a. Blog: The blog section provides users with information about Elementor’s latest features and blog posts from the team.

b. Articles: The articles section contains helpful guides and how-to articles on a variety of marketing topics.

PRO TIP: Elementor uses the theme of the WordPress site it is installed on. If you change your WordPress theme, Elementor’s theme will change as well.

c. Services: The services section provides users with information about Elementor’s platform and services.

3. Videos: The videos section contains helpful marketing tips and tutorials.

4. Forums: The forums section provides users with a place to ask questions and share ideas.

5. Quests: The quests section provides users with opportunities to earn rewards for completing challenges.

In conclusion, Elementor uses a “theme” approach to organizing its content, which provides users with a variety of resources tailored to their specific needs.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.