Website Building » WooCommerce » Where Are WooCommerce Subscriptions Stored?

Where Are WooCommerce Subscriptions Stored?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:31 am

WooCommerce Subscriptions are stored in the WordPress database. Each subscription has it’s own table that contains data about the subscription. The subscription data is stored as a serialized array.

When a customer subscribes to a product, they are creating a new row in the database. This row is called a “subscription”.

The data for this row is stored as an array. The array contains information about the customer, the product they subscribed to, and the date of the subscription.

The subscription data is stored in the WordPress database. This means that if you move your WordPress site to a new host, the subscription data will be moved with it.

You can also export the subscription data from your WordPress site. This can be useful if you want to move your WooCommerce store to a new platform.

The subscription data is stored in the same database as your WooCommerce orders. This means that if you delete your WooCommerce orders, you will also delete your subscriptions. Make sure you backup your database before deleting anything.

The subscription data is stored in an encrypted format. This means that if someone gains access to your WordPress database, they will not be able to read the subscription data. However, they could still delete the data or change it in some way.

Where Are WooCommerce Subscriptions Stored?

WooCommerce Subscriptions are stored in the WordPress database. Each subscription has its own table that contains data about the subscription including customer information, product subscribed to, and date of subscription.

The subscription data is stored as a serialized array which means it can be easily exported from one WordPress site to another.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that WooCommerce Subscriptions are stored in your WordPress database. This means that if you delete your WordPress database, you will also delete your WooCommerce Subscriptions.

It’s important to note that subscriptions are tied to orders in WooCommerce so if you delete an order containing an active subscriptions, you will also delete the subscription.

In conclusion, WooCommerce Subscriptions are stored in the WordPress database and contain customer information, product subscribed to, and date of subscription. The data is stored as a serialized array which makes it easy to export from one WordPress site to another. Keep in mind that subscriptions are linked to orders in WooCommerce so deleting an order with an active subscriptions will also delete the subscription itself.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.