Website Building » Weebly » Where is the DNS configuration on Weebly?

Where is the DNS configuration on Weebly?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:06 am

DNS is a system that allows computers to find each other on the internet. DNS servers are used to translate domain names, such as www.Weebly.

com, into IP addresses. On Weebly, DNS is configured in the Settings > General > DNS section.

Weebly uses the Google Public DNS service. To use Google Public DNS, you need to add a DNS server to your computer. To add a DNS server, open the Windows Control Panel, and then click on Network and Internet. In the Network and Sharing Center, click on the Properties button for your network connection.

In the Properties dialog box for your network connection, click on the DNS tab. In the DNS Server field, type the IP address of the DNS server. In the Preferred DNS Server field, type the IP address of the DNS server that Weebly should use if the DNS server is not available. Click on the Add button.

When you add a DNS server, you also need to add a DNS record for Weebly. To add a DNS record, open the Windows File Explorer, and then navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\DNS\DNSHosts folder. In the DNSHosts folder, create a new DNS record for Weebly. Type the name of the domain, such as, in the Hostname field. In the IP Address field, type the IP address of the Weebly server.

In the Port field, type 53, and in the Type field, type A record. In the Non-A Records field, type the IP address of the Weebly server, and in the Additional Records field, type the name of the record, such as

PRO TIP: Weebly does not offer DNS configuration. If you are looking to configure your DNS, you will need to use a third-party service.

When you add a DNS record, Weebly also adds a A record for the domain. To use the domain, you need to add a CNAME record to the DNS record. To add a CNAME record, open the Windows File Explorer, and then navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\DNS\DNSHosts folder. In the DNSHosts folder, create a new CNAME record. Type the name of the domain, such as www.

Weebly. In the Path field, type the path to the file, and in the Type field, type CNAME. In the Port field, type 53, and in the Priority field, type 100.

When you add a CNAME record, Weebly also adds a A record for the domain, you need to add a SRV record to the DNS record. To add a SRV record, open the Windows File Explorer, and then navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\DNS\DNSHosts folder. In the DNSHosts folder, create a new SRV record. Type the name of the service, such as www, in the Hostname field. In the Service Port field, type 53, and in the Priority field, type 100.

In the Type field, type A record. In the Port field, type 80. In the Protocol field, type SRV. In the SRV Record field, type the name of the record, such as www.

When you add a SRV record, Weebly also adds a A record for the domain, you need to add a PTR record to the DNS record. To add a PTR record, open the Windows File Explorer, and then navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\DNS\DNSHosts folder. In the DNSHosts folder, create a new PTR record. In the Pointer field, type the IP address of the Weebly server. In the Port field, type 53, and in the Type field, type A record. In the Pointer field, type the IP address of the web server that you want to use as the default web server. In the Port field, type 80, and in the Type field, type PTR.

When you.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.