Web Design » Photoshop » Where Is the Remove Background Button in Photoshop Express?

Where Is the Remove Background Button in Photoshop Express?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 2:30 pm

Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Inc. for Windows and macOS. It was originally created in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll.

Since then, the software has become the industry standard not only in raster graphics editing, but in digital art as a whole. The software’s name has thus become a generic trademark, leading to its usage as a verb (e.g. “to Photoshop an image”, “photoshopping” or “Photoshop job”)

Despite being a powerful tool, Photoshop does have its limitations. One such limitation is that it does not have a built-in “remove background” button. This can be frustrating for users who are trying to remove the background from an image for the first time. There are workarounds, however. In this article, we will show you how to remove the background from an image in Photoshop Express.

The first thing you need to do is open your image in Photoshop Express. Once your image is open, click on the “Layer” button at the top of the screen. This will open the “Layers” panel. Next, click on the “Background” layer and drag it down to the “New Layer” icon at the bottom of the panel.

Now that your background layer is on its own layer, you can begin removing the background.

Click on the “Brush” tool and select a brush size that is large enough to cover the area you want to remove. Then, simply brush over the area you want to remove.

PRO TIP: If you are using Photoshop Express to remove the background from an image, be aware that there is no “Remove Background” button. You will need to use the Selection tool to select the background area, then click the “Delete” button.

If you make a mistake or want to start over, you can press the “Undo” button at the top of the screen or use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Z”. Once you are happy with your selection, click on the “Layer Mask” icon at the bottom of the “Layers” panel.

This will add a layer mask to your background layer. A layer mask is essentially a way to hide part of a layer without permanently deleting it. In this case, we are using it to hide the background that we just removed.

The final step is to save your image. To do this, click on the “File” menu at the top of the screen and select “Save As”. Choose a location for your file and click on the “Save” button.


In conclusion, there is no built-in “remove background” button in Photoshop Express. However, there are workarounds that allow you to achieve similar results. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily remove backgrounds from images using Photoshop Express.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.