Hosting » GoDaddy » Who does the GoDaddy commercial?

Who does the GoDaddy commercial?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:33 pm

In the GoDaddy commercial, a woman is trying to get a website up and running, but keeps getting stuck. She goes to GoDaddy for help, and the representative tells her that she needs to buy a domain name. The woman is hesitant, but the representative tells her that she can get a domain name for free with GoDaddy.

The woman decides to try it and ends up getting a website up and running in no time. The commercial ends with the woman saying, “Thank you, GoDaddy.”.

PRO TIP: The GoDaddy commercial features a man who is shown in various compromising and embarrassing situations. The man is not identified in the commercial and it is not clear if he is supposed to be a real person or a character. Some viewers have found the commercial to be offensive and inappropriate.

The commercial is likely Targeting women who are looking to start a website, but are not sure how to go about it. It is also likely Targeting people who are not familiar with domain name registration and are looking for a more convenient option.

GoDaddy is a well-known domain name registrar and is likely Targeting these individuals with its commercial.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.