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Why Are My Products Not Showing WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:57 am

If you’ve been asking yourself “Why are my products not showing WooCommerce?” then this article is for you!

There are a few possible reasons why your products might not be showing up in WooCommerce. Let’s take a look at each one:

1. Incorrect Product Category

The first thing you should check is whether or not you have assigned your product to the correct category. If you haven’t, then your product won’t show up in the shop page because it won’t be filtered into the correct category.

To fix this, simply edit your product and make sure that it is assigned to the correct category.

2. Incorrect Product Type

Another possible reason why your products might not be showing up in WooCommerce is because you have selected the incorrect product type. For example, if you have a physical product but you’ve selected “Virtual” as the product type, then it won’t show up in the shop page.

To fix this, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display and make sure that you have selected the correct product type for your products.

3. Out of Stock Products

If you have products that are out of stock, then they will not show up in the shop page by default. This is because WooCommerce hides out of stock products to prevent customers from adding them to their cart and then being disappointed when they can’t checkout.

Note: If you want out of stock products to show up in the shop page, you can go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory and check the “Show out of stock products” option.

< Why Are My Products Not Showing Up In WooCommerce?/b>

There are a few possible reasons why your products might not be showing up in WooCommerce. It could be because you have assigned your product to the incorrect category, have selected the incorrect product type, or have out of stock products. To fix this, simply edit your product and make sure that it is assigned to the correct category, select the correct product type, and check the “Show out of stock products” option.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.