Web Design » Photoshop » Why Is My PNG Not Transparent Photoshop?

Why Is My PNG Not Transparent Photoshop?

Last updated on December 5, 2022 @ 2:18 am

There are a few reasons why your PNG might not be transparent in Photoshop. One reason is that you are using the wrong file format. You should be using a PNG-24 file format to ensure transparency. Another reason is that your image might have an alpha channel, but it is not set as the transparency channel.Image has alpha channel

You can check this by going to the Channels tab and seeing if there is an alpha channel listed. If so, simply click on it to set it as the transparency channel. Finally, your image might have a background layer that is not transparent. To check this, go to the Layers tab and see if there is a background layer listed. If so, simply double-click on it to make it transparent.

Follow the instructions below for more elaborated steps:

First, go to your Channels tab and select all except the Alpha channel. Then on the top menu, click Select>Load Selection.

Select channels, Load selection

Then, load the selection to channel Alpha 1. Click Ok once done.

Load selection to Alpha 1

Next, go back to your channels tab, right-click on Alpha 1 and select Delete Channel. This will allow for an easier way to make the background of your image transparent.

Delete alpha channel

Finally, copy and paste the layer with the background in the Layers tab and then unhide it to see the newly pasted one. You should now have a copy of the PNG image with transparent background.

Copy and paste the layer with background

PRO TIP: If you are having trouble with your PNG not being transparent in Photoshop, it is likely because of one of the following reasons:

-The image has an alpha channel, but it is not selected

-The image does not have an alpha channel

-The image is in the wrong color mode

There are a few reasons why your PNG might not be transparent in Photoshop. You should be using a PNG-24 file format to ensure transparency.

You can check this by going to the Channels tab and seeing if there is an alpha channel listed. To check this, go to the Layers tab and see if there is a background layer listed.

There are several reasons why your PNG may not be transparent in Photoshop:

1) You may be using the wrong file format – make sure you are using PNG-24 for transparency.

2) There may be an alpha channel present but not set as the transparency channel – check under Channels, and if present, click on the alpha channel to set it as the transparency channel.

3) There may be a background layer present that isn’t transparent – check under Layers, and if present, double-click on the layer to make it transparent.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.