Website Building » Weebly » Why Is My Weebly Website Showing Not Secure?

Why Is My Weebly Website Showing Not Secure?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 4:50 pm

Weebly is a popular website builder that helps users create their own websites without having to learn coding. However, Weebly websites can sometimes show as “not secure” in Google Chrome, which can be frustrating for users. There are a few reasons why this may happen:

1. The website is using an outdated security protocol. Websites are required to use the HTTPS protocol in order to be considered secure.

However, some older Weebly websites may still be using the HTTP protocol, which is not as secure. If your Weebly website is showing as not secure, it may be because it’s using HTTP instead of HTTPS.

2. The website hasn’t been set up to use SSL encryption. SSL encryption is what allows a website to use the HTTPS protocol.

In order for a Weebly website to use SSL encryption, the user must have a valid SSL certificate and have it properly installed on their site. Without SSL encryption, the site will continue to show as not secure.

3. The browser isn’t detecting the SSL certificate. Even if a Weebly website has a valid SSL certificate and is using HTTPS, there’s a possibility that the browser isn’t detecting the certificate.

This can happen if the certificate is expired or if it’s not been installed correctly. If the browser isn’t detecting the SSL certificate, the website will continue to show as not secure.

So why is my Weebly website showing as not secure?

PRO TIP: If you are seeing a “Not Secure” warning in your browser when accessing a Weebly site, it means that the site is not being served over HTTPS. This means that any data being sent between your browser and the Weebly site is not encrypted, and could potentially be intercepted by a third party. Weebly is working on adding HTTPS support for all sites, but in the meantime, we recommend that you do not enter any sensitive information (such as login credentials or credit card information) on any Weebly site that is showing the “Not Secure” warning.

There are a few possible reasons: the website is using an outdated security protocol, the website hasn’t been set up to use SSL encryption, or the browser isn’t detecting the SSL certificate. If your Weebly website is showing as not secure, checking for these three things can help you troubleshoot the issue.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.