Website Building » Wix » Why Is My Wix Site Not Appearing in Google Search?

Why Is My Wix Site Not Appearing in Google Search?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:18 am

If you have a Wix site, you may be wondering why it’s not appearing in Google search results. There are a few possible reasons for this.

One reason could be that your site is new and hasn’t been indexed by Google yet. This can happen if you just created your site or if you made significant changes to it recently.


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In this case, simply wait a few days and try searching again. Google will eventually index your site and it should start appearing in search results.

Another possibility is that your Wix site is not set to public. This means that only people who know the exact URL of your site can access it.

To make your site public, go to the Settings tab in your Wix editor and click General. Then, under Visibility, select Everyone. Once you save your changes, Google should be able to index your site and it should start appearing in search results.

If you’ve checked both of these things and your Wix site still isn’t appearing in Google search results, it’s possible that there’s something wrong with your site’s SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and refers to the process of making sure your site is designed in a way that makes it easy for Google to find and index it. If your SEO is not set up correctly, Google may have difficulty finding and indexing your site, which can result in it not appearing in search results.

PRO TIP: If you’re asking this question, it’s likely that your Wix site is not appearing in Google search because it is not properly optimized. Make sure that you have completed all of the necessary steps to optimize your site for search engines, including adding keyword-rich content, optimizing your title and description tags, and creating XML sitemaps. If you’re still having trouble, consider reaching out to a Wix expert for help.

To summarize, there are a few possible reasons why your Wix site is not appearing in Google search results. It could be that your site is new and hasn’t been indexed yet, that it’s not set to public, or that there’s an issue with your site’s SEO. If you’ve checked all of these things and your Wix site still isn’t appearing in search results, you can contact Wix support for further assistance.

There are a few possible reasons why your Wix website might not appear when you do a Google search.
It could be that:
-Your website is new and hasn’t been indexed yet
-Your website isn’t set to public
-There might be an issue with the way your website appears on search engines (SEO)
If you’ve checked all of these things and your website still doesn’t appear on a Google search, try contacting Wix support for more help.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.