Website Building » WordPress » Why is WordPress theme not displaying correctly?

Why is WordPress theme not displaying correctly?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:51 am

When you install a WordPress theme, you’re actually installing the WordPress software and all of its associated files. WordPress themes are just collections of files that tell WordPress what to look like when you view your website.

One of the files that WordPress looks for is the template.php file.

This file specifies the layout of your website and includes the code that tells WordPress how to display your content.

If your theme doesn’t have a template.php file, WordPress will look for a file called wp-config.php.

This file contains the same information as the template.php file, but it’s located in the root of your website instead of inside a theme.

If your theme doesn’t have a wp-config.php file, WordPress will look for a file called theme-options.

php. This file contains a few settings that impact how your website looks, but it’s not the primary way that WordPress determines how your content is displayed.

PRO TIP: If you are experiencing issues with your WordPress theme not displaying correctly, it is recommended that you contact your theme developer or support for assistance. In some cases, there may be conflicts with your WordPress installation or other plugins that are causing the issue.

If your theme doesn’t have a theme-options.php file, WordPress will look for a file called index. This file is the main file that WordPress loads when you visit your website.

If your theme doesn’t have an index.php file, WordPress will display a page that looks something like this:

If your theme doesn’t have any of these files, WordPress will display a page that looks something like this:

If your theme doesn’t have a template.php, wp-config.

php, theme-options.php, or index.php, WordPress will display a page that looks something like this:.

In most cases, you can fix this problem by creating one of these files. However, if your theme is custom made and doesn’t have any of these files, there’s not much you can do.

The bottom line is that if your WordPress theme isn’t displaying correctly, there’s probably a reason for it. Sometimes it’s easy to fix the problem, and other times you’ll need to contact the theme author for help.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.