Web Design » Photoshop » Why Won’t Photoshop Let Me Content Aware Fill?

Why Won’t Photoshop Let Me Content Aware Fill?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 3:14 pm

There are a few reasons why Photoshop might not let you content aware fill. The first reason is that the area you’re trying to fill is too small. Photoshop needs a certain amount of pixels to work with in order to create a believable fill. If the area you’re trying to fill is too small, it simply won’t be able to do a good job.

Another reason might be that the area you’re trying to fill is too complex. If there are a lot of different colors and tones in the area you’re trying to fill, it can be difficult for Photoshop to figure out what should go there. Finally, another reason Photoshop might not let you content aware fill is because you’re not using the latest version of Photoshop. Adobe is constantly adding new features and improvements to Photoshop, so if you’re not using the latest version, you might not have access to all the latest features, including content aware fill.

So why won’t Photoshop let me content aware fill? There are a few possible reasons. The first is that the area I’m trying to fill is too small.

If the area I’m trying to fill is too small, it simply won’t be able to do a good job. Another reason might be that the area I’m trying to fill is too complex. If there are a lot of different colors and tones in the area I’m trying to fill, it can be difficult for Photoshop to figure out what should go there. Finally, another reason Photoshop might not let me content aware fill is because I’m not using the latest version of Photoshop. Adobe is constantly adding new features and improvements to Photoshop, so if I’m not using the latest version, I might not have access to all the latest features, including content aware fill.

PRO TIP: If you’re experiencing this issue, it’s likely because the area you’re trying to fill is too small, or there’s not enough of a contrast between the background and foreground colors. Try increasing the size of your selection, or using the color sampling tool to select a different background color.


The most likely reason why Photoshop won’t let you content aware fill is because the area you’re trying to fill is either too small or too complex. If you’re using an older version of Photoshop, upgrading may give you access to this feature.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.