Web Design » Canva » Are There Layers in Canva?

Are There Layers in Canva?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 12:20 am

Layers are an important part of working with images in Canva. By understanding how layers work, you can more easily create complex designs and make changes to your work.

Layers in Canva are like layers in Photoshop or other image editing software. They allow you to put one image on top of another, and then move and edit the images independently. This is especially useful when you want to create a composite image or make changes to one image without affecting the others.

PRO TIP: Canva is a great design tool for creating professional designs, but beware of the layers feature. Layers can be tricky to use and can cause your design to look cluttered or messy if you’re not careful. Use layers sparingly and only when absolutely necessary.

To use layers in Canva, first add an image to your design. Then, click on the image and select “Add new layer” from the toolbar that appears.

This will add a new layer above the image you selected. You can then add another image to this layer, and move and edit both images independently.

Layers are a powerful tool that can help you create more complex designs in Canva. By understanding how they work, you can more easily take advantage of all that Canva has to offer.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.