Website Building » Squarespace » Can I Add a Share Button to Squarespace?

Can I Add a Share Button to Squarespace?

Last updated on December 23, 2022 @ 1:39 pm

Adding a share button to your Squarespace website is a great way to encourage visitors to share your content with their friends and followers. There are two ways to add a share button to your site: using a third-party service or by adding code to your site.

If you want to use a third-party service, there are a few different options available.

  • ShareThis is one option that allows you to add share buttons to your Squarespace site.
  • Another option is AddThis, which also offers share buttons that can be added to Squarespace websites.

If you’re comfortable adding code to your site, you can also add a share button by editing your site’s code. For example, if you want to add a Facebook share button, you would need to add the following code:

PRO TIP: The short answer is no. You cannot add a share button to your Squarespace website. However, there are some workaround options that you can try.

These options may not be ideal, but they could work in a pinch. For example, you could try using a social media plugin or widget. Or, you could add share buttons to your pages manually using HTML code.

Keep in mind that these workaround options may not work perfectly. And, they could potentially slow down your website. So, use them at your own risk.

<iframe src="//
   scrolling="no" frameborder="0"
   style="border:none; overflow:hidden; height:21px;"

Replace YOUR_URL with the URL of the page you want visitors to share. You can also change the layout of the button and other options by editing the code. Once you’ve added the code, save your changes and preview your site to make sure the button appears where you want it to.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.