Web Design » Figma » Can I Import PSD Into Figma?

Can I Import PSD Into Figma?

Last updated on November 26, 2022 @ 3:01 pm

If you’re a web designer, then you’re probably familiar with Photoshop. And if you’re familiar with Photoshop, then you might be wondering if it’s possible to import PSD files into Figma.

The short answer is yes, you can import PSD files into Figma. And the reason why you would want to do this is because Figma is a vector-based design tool, which means that your designs will look crisp and sharp no matter what screen size they’re viewed on.

In addition, Figma also has some features that Photoshop doesn’t have, such as the ability to collaborate with other designers in real-time. So if you’re working on a design project with a team, then Figma is definitely the way to go.

Now let’s take a look at how to actually import PSD files into Figma.

    Step 1: Go to the File menu and select “Open”.

    Step 2: Select the PSD file that you want to import and click “Open”.

    Step 3: You’ll see a popup asking how you want to import the file. For most cases, you’ll want to select “Import as Images”.

    Step 4: Click “OK” and the file will be imported into Figma.

And that’s all there is to it! Now you know how to import PSD files into Figma.

PRO TIP: If you are considering importing a PSD file into Figma, be aware that there are some potential risks. First, your PSD file may be too large or complex for Figma to handle properly, which could result in lost data or corrupted files. Secondly, when you import a PSD file into Figma, any layers or groups that are not compatible with Figma will be flattened, which means you will lose any editing capabilities for those layers. Finally, keep in mind that importing a PSD file into Figma will not retain any of the Photoshop-specific features or formatting, so you may need to do some additional work to get your design looking the way you want it to.

So there you have it! You can easily import PSD files into Figma in just a few simple steps. By doing this, you’ll be able to take advantage of Figma’s vector-based design toolset and collaboration features.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.