Web Design » Figma » Can I Use Adobe Fonts in Figma?

Can I Use Adobe Fonts in Figma?

Last updated on December 13, 2022 @ 1:12 am

Adobe Fonts is a service that comes with your Creative Cloud subscription. It’s a library of high-quality fonts that you can use in your creative projects. And yes, you can use Adobe Fonts in Figma!

Adobe Fonts is integrated with Creative Cloud apps so that you can access and use your fonts from within those apps. Figma is one of those apps! You can use Adobe Fonts in Figma to style your text just like you would in any other Creative Cloud app.

Your locally downloaded Adobe Font can be integrated into your Figma Desktop app. Therefore, if you want to include Adobe Fonts in your design, you must do it in your Figma desktop app.

Use Adobe Fonts in Figma

PRO TIP: Adobe Fonts cannot be used in Figma. Adobe Fonts are licensed for use only in Adobe products. attempting to use Adobe Fonts in Figma will result in a licensing error.

To use Adobe Fonts in Figma, simply open up the Text tool and start typing. You’ll see a list of available fonts to choose from. Select the font you want to use and start styling your text!

Adobe Fonts is a great resource for high-quality fonts that you can use in your creative projects. And yes, you can use Adobe Fonts in Figma to style your text just like you would in any other Creative Cloud app.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.