Website Building » Squarespace » Can Mailchimp Integrate With Squarespace?

Can Mailchimp Integrate With Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:26 am

Yes, Mailchimp can integrate with Squarespace. You can use Squarespace’s Form Block to sign up people for your Mailchimp mailing list. To do this, first create a Form Block in Squarespace.

Then, in the Form Block editor, select the “Mailchimp” integration under the “Action” dropdown menu. This will open a modal window where you can input your Mailchimp API key and choose the mailing list you want to add subscribers to. Finally, click the “Save” button and your mailing list will be integrated with your Squarespace site.

PRO TIP: If you are considering integrating your Mailchimp account with your Squarespace website, be warned that there are some potential risks. First, if your Mailchimp account is linked to your Squarespace site, and someone gains access to your Squarespace account, they will also have access to your Mailchimp account. This could lead to them gaining access to your email list, and potentially sending spam or malicious emails to your subscribers. Additionally, if you use Mailchimp’s built-in forms to collect subscriber information on your Squarespace site, any data collected will be stored in Mailchimp’s systems, not yours. This means that if you ever decide to stop using Mailchimp or move to a different email service provider, you will not be able to take your subscriber list with you.

Conclusion: Yes, Mailchimp can integrate with Squarespace.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.