Web Design » Figma » Can You Export Components From Figma?

Can You Export Components From Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:17 am

Figma is a vector graphics editor and prototyping tool. It is primarily designed for interface design, but can also be used to create illustrations and graphics for print and web.

Figma has become a popular tool for web designers, due to its ease of use and ability to export designs as code. This means that designers can create prototypes in Figma, and then export the code for those prototypes to be used in development. Figma also offers a variety of plugins that can be used to extend its functionality.

So, can you export components from Figma? The short answer is yes – you can export components from Figma as code.

However, there are some limitations to what you can export, and how you can use that code. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how exporting works in Figma, and what you need to know before you start exporting your own designs.

How Exporting Works in Figma

When you export a design from Figma, you have the option to export it as an image (PNG, JPG, or SVG), or as code (CSS, XML, or JSON).

PRO TIP: The Figma community has not yet reached a consensus on the best way to export components. Some believe that exporting components from Figma is the best way to keep your design system organized and consistent. Others believe that this method leads to design debt and is difficult to maintain in the long run. Until a consensus is reached, we recommend that you use caution when exporting components from Figma.

If you choose to export your design as an image, Figma will generate a static image of your design. This means that any interactivity or animation in your design will be lost when exported as an image. For this reason, exporting designs as images is generally not recommended.

If you choose to export your design as code, Figma will generate the code for your design using the CSS/XML/JSON format that you select. You can then use this code in your development process.

What You Can Export

When you export a design from Figma, you have the option to export the entire frame, or only selected objects. If you’re working on a complex design with many layers and objects, it’s often helpful to export only the objects that you need.

It’s important to note that not all objects in Figma can be exported as code. Currently, only rectangles, text boxes, and images can be exported as code. Objects such as lines, polygons, and groups cannot be exported as code.

How To Export Components From Figma

  1. Open the file: First open the file that contains the component in question.
  2. Select the component: Next, select the component that you want to export by clicking on it in the canvas.
  3. Open the Export menu: Once the component is selected, open the Export menu by clicking on File > Export, or by pressing Cmd/Ctrl + E. This will open the Export dialog box.
  4. Choose CSS/XML/JSON: In the dialog box, select CSS/XML/JSON from the drop-down menu next to Format.

    You can also select which properties of the object you want to include in the export by checking or unchecking the boxes next to Width, Height, etc.

  5. Export: Once you’ve made your selections, click on Export. This will generate the code for your component and save it to your computer.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.