Web Design » Photoshop » Can You Remove Background in Photoshop?

Can You Remove Background in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 24, 2023 @ 4:35 pm

When it comes to editing images, there are a lot of different things that you can do in Photoshop. One of the most common things that people want to do is remove the background from an image.

This can be a tricky process, but it is possible to do if you know what you are doing. Here is a step by step guide on how to remove the background from an image in Photoshop:

    1. Open up the image that you want to edit in Photoshop.

    2. Go to the “Select” menu and then choose “Color Range.”

    3. In the “Color Range” window, click on the white area of the image. This will select all of the white pixels in the image.

    4. Click “OK” to close the window.

    5. Now go to the “Edit” menu and choose “Fill.”

    6. In the “Fill” window, choose “Content-Aware” from the drop-down menu.

    7. This will fill in the selected area with surrounding pixels.

    8. Your background should now be removed! If there are any areas that need some touch-ups, you can use the clone stamp tool or the eraser tool to fix them up.

Removing the background from an image can be a tricky process, but it is possible to do if you know what you are doing. With this step by step guide, anyone can remove the background from an image in Photoshop!

PRO TIP: Please be aware that there is no such thing as a “Background” layer in Photoshop. The term “Background” is simply a nickname for the bottommost layer in a Photoshop document. As such, attempting to remove the “background” layer will result in the complete deletion of your image.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.