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Can You Remove Clothes in Photoshop?

Last updated on November 12, 2022 @ 1:24 pm

It’s no secret that Photoshop is a powerful tool that can be used to create some pretty amazing images. But did you know that you can also use it to remove clothes from photos? That’s right, with a few simple steps, you can make someone appear to be naked in a photo!

Of course, there are a few caveats. First, this only works with photos that have excellent lighting and resolution. Second, it takes a bit of time and patience to get the results you want. But if you’re willing to put in the effort, the results can be pretty impressive.

So how do you do it? First, open the photo in Photoshop.

open image file in photoshop

Then, create a new layer on top of the photo.

creating layer 1 in a photo

Next, use the lasso tool to select the area of the photo where the clothing is located.

lasso tool adobe photoshop

Once you have your selection, hit delete on your keyboard. The selected area will now be transparent.

lasso tool

Now it’s time to start filling in the missing pieces. Use the clone stamp tool to copy nearby pixels and fill in the gaps. It’s important to be careful with this tool, as you don’t want to end up with an obvious patchwork effect.

Take your time and keep blending until you’re happy with the results.

And that’s it! With a little bit of time and effort, you can make anyone appear naked in a photo using Photoshop.

Other Lasso Tool Types

By itself, the Lasso Tool has few applications. Thankfully, Photoshop’s Lasso Tool comes in three flavors to help make selection a breeze. You can access all of these features by selecting the Lasso Tool from the Tools menu or by pressing the letter L on your keyboard. By pressing and holding the shortcut Shift + L, you can quickly switch between all of these options.

Polygonal Lasso

polygonal lasso tool

With the Polygonal Lasso Tool, you can make precise selections by clicking and dragging to form a series of parallel lines. While this option is active, you can pick a starting point by clicking on the dot. To make a second anchor point, click and drag the cursor to a different location along the edge.

The Polygonal Lasso Tool will instantly draw a straight line between the two points you select. This is the appropriate Lasso Tool to use if you need to remove something that is box-shaped or has flat edges.

Magnetic Lasso

magnetic lasso

The Magnetic Lasso Tool represents the third category of lasso instruments. In the Magnetic Lasso Tool, the user is not required to choose the path’s direction manually. If you’re tracing a clear boundary in your image, the Lasso Path will automatically align with the edge.

The best part is that it functions along irregular or complex edges. Whenever I need to make a Lasso selection in Photoshop, the Magnetic Lasso Tool is the one I reach for most often.

Importance of Lasso

The importance of the Lasso tool can be determined by how it can quickly and easily create a custom outline around any target in your image. Or soften the corners of your selection and add a feathered effect with this handy anti-aliasing tool. If you want to eliminate a specific person or object in an image, this tool is useful because you can delete the selection you consider with it.

While this may not be a tool heavily used by professionals, the ability to undo a bad choice and try again can greatly boost your productivity in editing.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that ‘Remove Clothes Photoshop’ is a potentially dangerous website. The site claims to offer a service whereby users can upload images of people and have their clothes removed using Photoshop. However, the site also states that it will not remove clothes from images of children or anyone under the age of 18.

There are several dangers associated with this website.

Firstly, there is no guarantee that the people running the site will actually remove clothes from the images as promised. Secondly, even if the clothes are removed, the images will likely be of poor quality and may contain offensive or pornographic content. Finally, by uploading images to this site, you could be inadvertently giving someone else access to your personal photos without your knowledge or consent.

We recommend that you avoid this website entirely and find another way to remove clothes from images if necessary.


When it comes to Photoshop’s selection tools, the Lasso Tool is among the most fundamental and intuitive. Compared to other Photoshop selection tools, the ability to make freehand selections makes this one feel much more natural. The problem with this laid-back approach is that it leaves you vulnerable to making more mistakes in your paths.

To that end, the Lasso Tool is recommended for quick selections or when pinpoint accuracy isn’t crucial.

Wishing you many productive hours of editing!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.