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Can You Save a Figma File?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:27 am

If you’re a fan of the anime/manga series Death Note, you’re probably familiar with the character L and his unique style. One of the most distinctive features of L is his unkempt hair, which is often messy and sticking up in all directions. While this may not be the most stylish look for everyone, it definitely suits L’s personality and helps him stand out from the other characters in the series.

If you’re interested in creating a similar look for your own figma, there are a few things you’ll need to do. First, you’ll need to find a good base figure to work with.

While any figma can technically be used for this purpose, we recommend starting with one that already has messy hair or is bald. This will make it easier to create the desired look.

Once you have your base figure, the next step is to add some hair. We recommend using a soft- bristled brush for this purpose, as it will help create a more natural look.

Start by adding some random strands of hair sticking up in all directions. Don’t worry about making it too perfect; part of the charm of this style is that it looks a bit messy and unkempt.

Once you’re happy with the general shape of the hair, it’s time to add some color. For this, we recommend using a dark brown or black marker.

Again, don’t worry about making it perfect; imperfections will only add to the realism of the style. Once you’re done coloring the hair, you can use a soft-bristled brush to blend the colors together and create a more natural look.

The last step is to add some highlights. This can be done with a lighter marker or even white paint if you want a more pronounced effect. Once you’re happy with the highlights, your L-style figma is complete!

While creating an L-style figma may take some time and effort, we think it’s definitely worth it. Not only does this style look great, but it’s also unique and sure to turn heads when displayed on your shelf. So if you’re looking for a fun and creative way to personalize your figma collection, give this style a try!

Can You Save a Figma File?

Figma files can be saved in many different formats, but they are most commonly saved as .fig or .figma files. These files can be opened in any text editor, but they will not be viewable as images.

PRO TIP: If you are working on a Figma design project, be sure to save your work frequently. Figma files can sometimes become corrupt, which can cause you to lose all your work.

The best way to view Figma files is by using the Figma app or website.

To save your file as a .figma file:

  1. Open your project in Figma
  2. Click on File in the top left corner of the screen
  3. Click on Save As…
  4. Name your file and select which format you would like to save it as
  5. Click Save

You can save Figma files in many different formats, but they are most commonly saved as .

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.