Web Design » Figma » Can You Unmake a Component in Figma?

Can You Unmake a Component in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:29 am

Component libraries and design systems are all the rage these days. They help designers work more efficiently and maintain consistency across projects.

But what happens when you need to make a change to a component? Can you unmake it in Figma?

The answer is yes! You can unmake any component in Figma, as long as you have the original source file (or master file) that the component was made from.

To do this, simply select the component from your library, then go to the Edit menu and select Unmake Component. This will break the link between the component and its source file, allowing you to make changes to the source file without affecting the component.

PRO TIP: If you delete a component in Figma, any instances of that component will also be deleted. This cannot be undone, so be sure you really want to delete the component before you do so.

If you don’t have the original source file, don’t worry – you can still make changes to the component. Just select the component and go to the Edit menu, then select Edit Component. This will open up the component in its own window, where you can make changes just like you would to any other file in Figma.

So there you have it – you can unmake a component in Figma, as long as you have the original source file. And if you don’t have the original source file, you can still make changes to the component by editing it directly.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.