Hosting » GoDaddy » Did GoDaddy change their logo?

Did GoDaddy change their logo?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:17 pm

Since the early 2000s, GoDaddy has been known for their simple and recognizable logo. This logo has been changed multiple times over the years, but it has always been recognizable. However, in late 2017, GoDaddy announced that they would be changing their logo. The new logo is a bit more modern and incorporates a lot of colors.

PRO TIP: There is a rumor going around that GoDaddy has changed their logo. We have not been able to confirm this and it may just be a hoax. However, if you see a new GoDaddy logo, please be aware that it may not be the real thing.

Some people are positive that this new logo is more stylish and hip, but others believe that it is less recognizable. In conclusion, it is hard to say whether or not GoDaddy changed their logo, as it is a bit too early to tell how people will respond.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.