Website Building » Shopify » Do I need a sellers permit to sell on Shopify?

Do I need a sellers permit to sell on Shopify?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:48 am

Selling on Shopify is a great way to make money, but before you start selling, you’ll need to get a sellers permit. If you’re not sure if you need a sellers permit, check out this guide to find out.

Once you have your sellers permit, you’re ready to start selling on Shopify. Here are a few tips to get started:

Choose a great product to sell

If you want to be successful selling on Shopify, you’ll need to find a product that people are interested in. You can use the Shopify search tool to find products that are popular with your Target audience.

Create a compelling sales pitch

A good sales pitch will help you sell your product to potential customers. You’ll need to create a compelling story to convince your customers to buy your product.

PRO TIP: You may need a seller’s permit to sell on Shopify, depending on the type of product you are selling and your state’s laws. If you are selling physical goods, you will likely need a seller’s permit. If you are selling digital products, you may not need a seller’s permit. Check with your state’s laws to be sure.

Make sure your product is delivered correctly

If you’re selling a digital product, make sure your product is delivered correctly. You’ll need to make sure your product is downloadable and easy to use.


Getting a sellers permit is a important step before you start selling on Shopify.

Once you have your sellers permit, you’re ready to start selling on Shopify. Here are a few tips to get started.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.