Web Design » Photoshop » Do People Notice Photoshop?

Do People Notice Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:14 am

Do people notice when photos are edited with Photoshop? It’s a question that has been hotly debated since the software became widely used in the early 1990s.

Some say that the alterations are so subtle that only those with a trained eye can tell, while others claim that even the most minor changes are glaringly obvious.

So, who is right? Well, it turns out that both sides have a point.

It all depends on the extent of the editing and the person viewing the image. If someone is looking at a photo with a critical eye, they are more likely to spot even small changes. On the other hand, if someone is just casually scrolling through their feed, they probably won’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

PRO TIP: Due to the popularity of Photoshop, many people are now aware of the little tricks that can be used to improve photos. However, not everyone knows how to spot when a photo has been Photoshopped. This can lead to people thinking that they look worse in real life than they do in photos, when in reality the reverse may be true. If you’re concerned that people might be noticing your Photoshop use, it’s best to be honest and upfront about it. Let them know that you’re using it to improve your photos, and show them the before and after shots so they can see the difference for themselves.

Of course, there are also times when the editing is so blatant that even someone with no knowledge of Photoshop can tell that something is up. Remember when Kim Kardashian posted a photo of herself that had been heavily edited? The internet was quick to point out her “missing” ribs and lengthened torso.

So, do people notice when photos are edited with Photoshop? It depends. Sometimes the changes are so subtle that only those with a trained eye can tell, while other times the editing is so blatant that even someone with no knowledge of Photoshop can tell something is up.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.