Web Design » Photoshop » Does Microsoft Have a Photoshop?

Does Microsoft Have a Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:58 pm

PRO TIP: No, Microsoft does not have a Photoshop.

In 1986, Thomas and John Knoll developed the first version of Photoshop on a Macintosh computer. Adobe purchased the license to distribute the software in 1988, and Photoshop quickly became the industry standard for digital image editing and processing. In recent years, Adobe has extended Photoshop’s capabilities beyond traditional photography and graphic design to include tools for 3D modeling, video editing, and web design.

So, does Microsoft have a Photoshop? While Microsoft does not currently have a product that is equivalent to Photoshop, they do offer a number of tools that can be used for image editing and processing.

For example, the Microsoft Paint application has been a part of the Windows operating system since 1985 and offers basic image editing capabilities. In addition, Microsoft’s Photo Gallery application (included with Windows Essentials) provides more advanced features such as red-eye removal and photo stitching.

While Microsoft does not have an application that is as comprehensive as Adobe Photoshop, they do offer a number of tools that can be used for basic to advanced image editing and processing. For those who are looking for a more affordable option than Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft’s photo editing applications may be a good choice.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.