Website Building » Elementor » How do I add a contact form in Elementor?

How do I add a contact form in Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:29 am

Adding a contact form in Elementor is easy. First, open the “Forms” panel and click on the “Add new form” button.

You will be asked to select the type of form you would like to add. .

The contact form options are:

– Email contact form
– Text contact form
– Form builder
– Custom form

The email contact form is the most common type of contact form, so we will focus on that option in this article.

To add a email contact form in Elementor, first, you will need to create a new form.

To do this, click on the “Forms” panel and select the “Create new form” button.

This will open the “Form creation wizard” window.

To create a new email contact form, first, enter the form’s title in the “Form title” field.

Next, enter the form’s description in the “Form description” field.

Next, enter the form’s fields in the “Form fields” field.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Elementor, we recommend that you seek help from a web developer or designer before attempting to add a contact form. If you proceed without assistance, you may encounter errors that can cause your website to malfunction.

You will need to specify the form’s fields in detail.

The fields that you need to specify are the email address (of the person who will be filling out the form), the message (the message that will be displayed to the user when they fill out the form), and the submission type (whether the form is a “submit” or “cancel” form).

After you have entered the form’s fields, click on the “Add new field” button.

This will open the “Field creation wizard” window.

To add a new field, first, enter the field’s title in the “Field title” field.

Next, enter the field’s description in the “Field description” field.

Next, specify the field’s type in the “Field type” field.

The field types that you can specify are:
– Text field
– Email field
– Phone field
– Date field
– Time field
– Checkbox field
– Radio button field
– Textarea field
– Select field

After you have specified the field’s type, you will need to specify the field’s value in the “Field value” field.

You can specify the field’s value in one of two ways:
– You can use a simple text value.
– You can use a HTML form field value.

After you have specified the field’s value, click on the “Add new field” button.

To add a new field, first, enter the field’s.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.