Website Building » Shopify » How do I add a product to a collection in Shopify?

How do I add a product to a collection in Shopify?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:39 am

Adding a product to a Shopify collection is as simple as adding the product to your store, then editing the collection.

To add a product to a collection:

1. Navigate to your Shopify store’s Products page.

2. Click on the product you want to add to the collection.

3. On the product’s details page, click on the Add to Collection button.

4. On the next page, enter the collection’s name and description.

5. Click on the Save button.

Now that the product is in the collection, you can manage it just like any other product in your store. To add the product to a category, for example, you would:

PRO TIP: Adding a product to a collection in Shopify can be done by going to the ‘Collections’ page in the ‘Products’ section of the admin panel. From here, you can either create a new collection or edit an existing one. To add a product to a collection, simply click on the ‘Add product’ button and select the desired product from the list.

1. Click on the product in the collection. On the product’s details page, click on the Categories tab. On the Categories tab, under the relevant category, click on the Add to Collection button.

Finally, to add the product to a sale, you would:

2. On the product’s details page, click on the Sales tab. On the Sales tab, under the relevant sale, click on the Add to Collection button.

To add the product to a sale, you would:

At this point, the product is in the collection, the category is set, and the sale is ready to go.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.