Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Add a Video to My Shopify Homepage?

How Do I Add a Video to My Shopify Homepage?

Last updated on December 2, 2022 @ 3:04 pm

Adding a video to your Shopify homepage can be a great way of grabbing your customer’s attention and providing them with engaging content. By using a video, you can showcase products or services in action, demonstrate how-to guides, or simply add a visual element to the page.

Here, we will show you how to do it in two easy ways.

Let’s dive in!

How to add a video to the Shopify homepage

There are two ways that you can add a video to your Shopify homepage. The first way is to use the built-in video feature, and the second way is to use a third-party app.

The built-in video feature is available on all Shopify plans, and it’s the easiest way to add a video to your homepage. To use this feature, you’ll need to upload your video to Shopify.

create ecommerce store using shopify

You can do this by going to Settings > Files and then selecting the ‘Upload files’ button. Once your video is uploaded, you can add it to your homepage by going to Online Store > Themes > Customize theme > Add section > Video.

Use a third-party app to add Shopify videos

If you’re using a Shopify plan that doesn’t include the built-in video feature, or if you want more control over how your video appears on your homepage, then you can use a third-party app. There are a few different apps available, but we recommend using EmbedVideo.


With this app, you can upload your video directly to YouTube or Vimeo and then embed it on your homepage. EmbedVideo also offers a number of customization options, so you can choose how your video appears on your page.

EmbedVideo extension

To add a video to your Shopify homepage using EmbedVideo, first install the app from the Shopify App Store. Then, go to Online Store > EmbedVideo, and click on the ‘Add Video’ button.

Enter the URL of the video you want to embed, and then choose whether you want it to appear in a popup or inline. You can also customize the size, alignment, and autoplay settings of your video. Once you’re happy with how your video looks, click on the ‘Save’ button.

Things to keep in mind when adding videos to your Shopify store

Adding a video to your Shopify homepage can be a great way to engage visitors and promote your products or services. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before adding a video to your homepage.

First, make sure that the video is high-quality and relevant to your brand. A poorly made or irrelevant video can reflect badly on your business and turn visitors away.

Second, keep the video short and to the point. Visitors are unlikely to watch a long, drawn-out video on your homepage, so make sure that your video is concise and informative.

Third, ensure that the video is properly embedded on your homepage. A poorly embedded video can be frustrating for visitors and may cause them to leave your site altogether.

Adding a video to your Shopify homepage can be a great way to promote your business, but make sure that you keep these tips in mind before adding one to your site.

Reasons why you should try adding videos to the homepage of your Shopify store

Even though the video is one of the most undervalued techniques for boosting E-commerce sales, it should not be overlooked. The absence of video on Shopify pages appears to neglect human instinct, especially in industries that are competitive. If your firm has maintained the same number of customers for an extended period of time, let’s look for ways to improve using this basic yet valuable strategy.

olipop shopify store with video

When they want to make a purchase on Amazon, 48 percent of online shoppers head directly to the marketplaces with embedded videos. In addition, according to Animoto, 96% of consumers prefer to shop in establishments with videos since it simplifies their experience and decision-making. Moreover, according to a study conducted by RetailDive, the opportunity to view, touch, and feel things is the most critical factor influencing shoppers’ decisions to shop in a physical store rather than online.

Before purchasing a product, humans want to handle and inspect it thoroughly because they want to know how it operates. Creating these emotions is even more crucial when it comes to internet selling if you want your clients to be confident in their purchase selections. It goes without saying that integrating video into a Shopify store is a fantastic method to enhance the digital purchasing experience.

PRO TIP: Adding a video to your Shopify homepage is a great way to engage visitors and give them a glimpse of what your store has to offer. Whether you use the built-in video feature or a third-party app, make sure that your video is high quality and relevant to your store.


Adding a Shopify video to your homepage is an effective way of enhancing the user experience. It can help you engage customers, promote products or services, and create a more visually appealing page. Taking the time to select the right Shopify videos for your Shopify home page will ultimately result in increased customer satisfaction.

Remember that Shopify videos can be incorporated into any Shopify page or section, so don’t be afraid to get creative and make the most out of this powerful tool. Now you’ve got the tools, it’s up to you to make the most out of Shopify videos and create an engaging Shopify experience.

Good luck!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.