Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Add Tags on Shopify?

How Do I Add Tags on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 11:12 pm

Adding tags to products in Shopify is a great way to keep your inventory organized and make it easy for customers to find the products they’re looking for. There are two ways to add tags to products in Shopify: from the product page, or from the Tags page.

To add tags to a product from the product page:

1. Go to the Products page in your Shopify admin. 2. Click the name of the product you want to add tags to.

3. In the Tags section, enter the tags you want to add, separated by commas. 4. Click Save.

To add tags to multiple products at once from the Tags page:

1. Go to the Tags page in your Shopify admin. Enter the tags you want to add in the Add tags field, separated by commas. Select the products you want to add those tags to from the list below. To select all products, click the checkbox above the list of products. Click Add tags.

You can also remove tags from products using either of these methods.

How Do I Add Tags on Shopify?

You can add tags on Shopify either from the product page or from
the Tags page.

PRO TIP: Adding tags on Shopify can be a bit tricky and if not done correctly, can result in lost data or products. We recommend that you follow these steps carefully and backup your data before proceeding.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.