Website Building » Shopify » How do I change bulk prices on Shopify?

How do I change bulk prices on Shopify?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:13 am

There are a few ways to change bulk prices on Shopify. You can change the price of a product on the product page, change the price of a group of products on the product page, or change the price of a product in the product categories section.

To change the price of a product on the product page, click on the product in the product list, and then click on the Settings button. On the Settings page, under Product Prices, you can change the price of the product.

PRO TIP: If you are considering changing bulk prices on Shopify, be aware that this could have a negative impact on your business. Changing prices too frequently can confuse and frustrate customers, and make it difficult for them to trust that they are getting the best deal from you. If you must change prices, do so sparingly and be sure to communicate the changes to your customers ahead of time.

To change the price of a group of products on the product page, click on the group of products in the product list, and then click on the Settings button. On the Settings page, under Group Prices, you can change the price of the group of products.

To change the price of a product in the product categories section, click on the product in the product list, and then click on the Categories button. On the Categories page, under Product Categories, you can change the price of the product.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.