Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Change the Quantity Button in WooCommerce?

How Do I Change the Quantity Button in WooCommerce?

Last updated on February 3, 2023 @ 11:11 am

WooCommerce is a popular e-commerce platform for WordPress websites. It allows users to easily sell products and manage inventory. One of the features that WooCommerce provides is the ability to change the quantity button on the product page. This can be useful if you want to change the design or functionality of the button. In this tutorial, we will show you how to change the quantity button in WooCommerce.

Step 1: Create a Child Theme

The first step is to create a child theme. A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality and design of the parent theme but allows you to make changes without affecting the parent theme. This is important because if you make changes directly to the parent theme, they will be lost when the theme is updated.

To create a child theme, you can use a plugin like Child Theme Configurator. Once the plugin is activated, go to Appearance > Child Themes and click on the Create a new child theme button. Fill in the required information and click on the Create Child Theme button.

Step 2: Copy the Quantity Button Template

The next step is to copy the quantity button template from the parent theme to the child theme. To do this, go to the parent theme’s folder and find the template that controls the quantity button. It’s usually located in the woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart folder. Once you find the template, copy it to the child theme’s folder.

Step 3: Customize the Quantity Button

Now that you have the template in your child theme, you can customize it to change the design or functionality of the quantity button. You can use HTML and CSS to change the appearance of the button and JavaScript to change its behavior.

For example, if you want to change the design of the button, you can add a new CSS class and apply it to the button. Here’s an example of how you can change the background color of the button:

.quantity-button {
  background-color: #ff0000;

If you want to change the functionality of the button, you can add some JavaScript code. For example, here’s how you can prevent users from entering a quantity greater than 10:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
  $('.quantity').on('change', 'input.qty', function() {
   if ($(this).val() > 10) {

Step 4: Test Your Changes

Once you’ve made your changes, test them on the frontend to make sure everything is working as expected. If you encounter any issues, you can use the browser’s developer tools to debug the problem and make any necessary adjustments.

That’s it! With these simple steps, you can change the quantity button in WooCommerce to match your website’s design and functionality. Remember to always keep a backup of your changes, in case you need to restore them in the future.

Note: This is a basic tutorial and you may need to modify the code according to your requirement. Always test the changes in a development environment before implementing it in production.

PRO TIP: To change the quantity button in WooCommerce, create a child theme and copy the quantity button template from the parent theme to the child theme. Customize the template using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to change the design and functionality of the button. Remember to test your changes and keep a backup before implementing them in production.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.