Website Building » WordPress » How do I customize my WordPress login page?

How do I customize my WordPress login page?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:12 am

There are a few ways to customize your WordPress login page. You can change the background color, the font, and the text.

You can also add your own images or logos. You can also change the layout, including the position of the login form and the header image.

To customize your WordPress login page, follow these steps:

1. open your WordPress site in a browser

2. go to the “Appearance” section of your site’s admin area

3. click on the “Login” link

4. in the “Login Form” section, click on the “Text” tab

5. in the “Login Text” section, you can change the text, the background color, and the font size

6. you can also add your own images or logos

7. in the “Header Image” section, you can change the layout, including the position of the login form and the header image

8. when you’re finished customizing your login page, click on the “Save Changes” button

9. your changes will be applied automatically

Now that you’ve customized your WordPress login page, you can use it to make your site look more professional and unique. Remember, you can always change your login page again if you decide you want to experiment with different options.

PRO TIP: If you are considering customizing your WordPress login page, be aware that there are some risks involved. A custom login page could potentially be used to bypass your security measures, or to collect sensitive information from you. Proceed with caution and consult with a WordPress expert before making any changes.

Finally, be sure to keep your login page secure by using a strong password and by logging out of your account whenever you’re not using it.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.