Web Development » UpWork » How Do I Delete All on UpWork?

How Do I Delete All on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:51 pm

Most of us have been in a situation where we need to start fresh with a new document, whether it be for school or work. You’ve probably tried to delete everything on your computer by pressing the delete key or cmd + a (select all), but that only deletes the text. So how do you actually delete everything on your computer?

The first step is to open up the command prompt by searching for it in the start menu. Once you have the command prompt open, type in the following command: del *.* /f /s /q

This will delete all files and folders on your computer, so make sure you backup anything you need first!

PRO TIP: If you are considering deleting your Upwork account, please be aware that this will delete all of your data, including your account information, messages, proposals, contracts, and earnings history. This action is irreversible.

If you want to be extra sure that everything is deleted, you can type in the following command as well: format c: /q

This will format your C drive, which will delete everything on it. Keep in mind that this cannot be undone, so only do this if you’re absolutely sure you want to delete everything!

How Do I Delete All on UpWork?

Deleting all files on UpWork can be done by opening the command prompt and typing in the following command: del *. * /f /s /q. This will delete all files and folders on your account.

If you want to be extra sure that everything is deleted, you can type in the following command as well: format c: /q. This will format your C drive, which will delete everything on it. Keep in mind that this cannot be undone, so only do this if you’re absolutely sure you want to delete everything!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.