Web Design » Illustrator » How do I delete part of an object in Illustrator?

How do I delete part of an object in Illustrator?

Last updated on December 2, 2022 @ 10:19 am

Illustrator is a powerful vector graphics program that enables you to create detailed drawings and illustrations. One of the features of Illustrator is the ability to delete parts of objects.

To delete a part of an object in Illustrator, you can follow these steps:

1. Select the object you want to delete a part of using the “Selection tool” from the toolbar on the left.

2. Click the “Image Trace” button located in the “Quick Actions” window under the “Properties” tab. From there, select “High Fidelity Photo”.

NOTE: If the “Image Trace” option is not available in your Properties tab, you can enable it by clicking on “Window” at the top menu and selecting “Control”.

3. The Illustrator system will then start the conversion process which will take some time depending on the quality of the image you selected and also, the specifications of your machine.

4. Once done, the “Expand” option will be available in the “Quick Actions” window in the “Properties” tab. Click on it.

NOTE: The “Expand tool” will convert the tracing object into a path.

5. From there, click on the “Lasso tool” from the left toolbar and use this to select the part of the object that you want to be deleted by drawing around it. Then, press the “Delete” button on your keyboard to delete the selected part of the object.

6. Now you have deleted a part of your object.

7. Once done, click the “Save” button to save your changes and download a copy.

PRO TIP: Deleting part of an object in Illustrator can be tricky and may result in unwanted results. It is best to use the “Lasso tool” to select the specific part of the object that you want to delete.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.