Hosting » DigitalOcean » How do I deploy an app in DigitalOcean?

How do I deploy an app in DigitalOcean?

Last updated on December 28, 2022 @ 2:56 pm

Deploying an app on DigitalOcean is easy. You can use the DigitalOcean App Deployment Tool to create a new app, or use the DigitalOcean CLI to deploy an existing app.

To deploy an app using the App Deployment Tool, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your DigitalOcean account.

2. Click the Apps tab.

3. Click the name of the app you want to deploy.

4. Click the Deploy button.

5. Enter the app’s name, description, and public IP address in the Deployment Form fields.

6. Check the app’s status in the App Deployment Tool’s Status tab.

7. If the app is deployed successfully, the App Deployment Tool’s Success message should say “Deployed!” in the bottom right corner.

8. If the app is not deployed successfully, the App Deployment Tool’s Error message should say more about the error.

To deploy an app using the DigitalOcean CLI, follow these steps:

1. Click the Clusters tab.

2. Click the name of the cluster you want to deploy the app to.

3. Check the app’s status in the Cluster Status tab.

4. If the app is deployed successfully, the Cluster Status tab’s Success message should say “Deployed!” in the bottom right corner.

5. If the app is not deployed successfully, the Cluster Status tab’s Error message should say more about the error.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that there are a few steps required in order to deploy an app in DigitalOcean. You will need to create a Droplet, choose an image, and then follow the instructions provided by DigitalOcean.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.