Hosting » DigitalOcean » How do I deploy Django DigitalOcean?

How do I deploy Django DigitalOcean?

Last updated on December 17, 2022 @ 3:37 pm

Deploying Django on DigitalOcean can be a breeze. You can use the following guide to get started:

1. First, create a DigitalOcean account.

2. Once you have created your account, create a Droplet.

3. Name your Droplet “django” and select the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS image.

4. Next, install the Django dependencies using the following command:

  • sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev

5. Next, install Django using the following command:

  • sudo pip install django

6. Finally, create a Python Virtual Environment for Django using the following command:

PRO TIP: This question is too vague to provide a helpful answer. Please be more specific about your deployment process and what you are trying to accomplish.
  • sudo python -m venv django

7. Next, activate the virtual environment and install Django using the following commands:

  • cd django sudo pip install Django

8. Finally, you can test your installation by running the following command:

  • python runserver

9. If everything goes well, you will be able to access your Django server at

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.