Web Design » Figma » How Do I Export an Animation in Figma?

How Do I Export an Animation in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:58 pm

There are a few different ways to export an animation in Figma. The first way is to use the ‘Export’ function in the top menu.

This will allow you to export your animation as a .gif, .mp4, or .webm file. You can also choose to export your animation as a sequence of images, which can be helpful if you want to create a video or share your animation on social media.

Another way to export your animation is to use the ‘Publish’ function in the top menu. This will allow you to share your animation with others by creating a link or embedding it on a website. You can also choose to download your animation as a .

PRO TIP: When exporting an animation in Figma, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that your animation is on the correct frame rate. If it is not, your animation may appear jittery or choppy. Second, make sure that all of your layers are properly named. If they are not, you may end up with missing or incorrect layers in your exported file. Finally, make sure to export your animation as a .gif or .mp4 file. Otherwise, you will not be able to view your animation.

To export your animation as a .webm file, first select the frame that you want to export in the ‘Frames’ panel. Then, click on the ‘Export’ button in the top menu and select the file type that you want to export as. You can also choose to export your animation as a sequence of images by selecting the ‘Image Sequence’ option in the ‘Export’ menu.

Once you’ve selected the file type that you want to export as, you can choose to either download your animation or share it with others by creating a link or embedding it on a website.

How Do I Export an Animation in Figma?

There are a few different ways that you can export an animation that you’ve made in Figma.

This will allow you to export your animation as either a .

Another way that you can export your Figma animation is by using the ‘Publish’ function in the top menu. You can also choose to download your animation as either a .

To export an individual frame from your Figma project as one of these three files types, first select the frame that you want to exporting using the ‘Frames’ panel. Then click on the ‘Export’ button in the top menu and select either ‘.gif’, ‘.mp4’, or ‘.webm’. If you want to instead save your entire project as sequence of images, select ‘Image Sequence’.

Regardless of which method for exporting that you choose, once you have selected ‘.mp4’, ‘.webm’, or ‘Image Sequence’,you will be able too either download this file for personal use or share it with others via link or embedding on websites.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.