Hosting » AWS » How do I get my AWS CLI AWS account ID?

How do I get my AWS CLI AWS account ID?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:33 pm

AWS CLI is a command line tool that provides a simplified interface for managing your Amazon Web Services accounts and resources. To get your AWS CLI account ID, follow these steps:

1. Open a terminal window and navigate to your AWS account’s home directory.

2. Type the following command to get a list of all the commands available on the AWS CLI:

AWS help

3. Type the following command to get information about the AWS help command:

AWS help AWS help

4. The output of the AWS help command will include a line that lists the account ID for the AWS CLI.

To find this number, look for the account name on the first line of the output and copy the number that appears after the account name.

PRO TIP: If you are unsure of your AWS account ID, we recommend that you contact AWS Support. Giving out your AWS account ID to someone who is not authorized to have it can result in unexpected charges on your account, or even loss of access to your account.

5. To use the account ID in a command, you can type it preceded by the @ symbol. For example, to list all of the resources in an account, you would type the following command:

@AWS help resources

6. If you need to create or update an account or resource, you can use the AWS command. For example, to create a new Amazon Web Services account, you would type the following command:

AWS create-account

7. To update an existing Amazon Web Services account, you would type the following command:

AWS account-update

8. To delete an Amazon Web Services account, you would type the following command:

AWS account-delete.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.