Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Hide Collections on Shopify?

How Do I Hide Collections on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:13 pm

If you have a Shopify store, you may be wondering how to hide collections. This can be useful if you want to create a landing page for a specific collection, or if you want to hide certain products from your store. There are a few ways to do this, and we’ll go over them in this article.

First, you can use the “Hide” option in the “Edit Collection” page. This will hide the collection from your shop’s main page, but it will still be accessible via direct URL.

To access the “Edit Collection” page, go to your Shopify admin and click on “Products.” Then, find the collection you want to hide and click on the “..” button next to it. From the drop-down menu, select “Edit collection.”

On the “Edit Collection” page, scroll down to the “Visibility” section and check the box next to “Hide this collection from your online store.” Then, click “Save collection.”

Another way to hide a collection is to password protect it. This can be done from the “Edit Collection” page as well.

Scroll down to the “Password protect this collection” section and check the box next to “Enable password protection.” Enter a password in the “Password” field and click “Save collection.”

You can also choose to disable search engine indexing for a collection. This will prevent the collection from appearing in search results on Google and other search engines.

PRO TIP: If you are considering hiding collections on your Shopify store, be aware that this could have negative consequences for your business. Your customers may not be able to find the products they are looking for, which could lead to frustration and ultimately lost sales. Additionally, hiding collections could make it more difficult for you to manage your inventory and keep track of your product offerings. If you do decide to hide collections on your Shopify store, be sure to do so in a way that will not impact your customers’ ability to find and purchase the products they need.

To do this, go to your Shopify admin and click on “Settings.” Then, select “Checkout.”

Scroll down to the “Search engine listing preview” section and check the box next to “Don’t allow search engines to index this page.” Then, click “Save changes.”

You can also add a redirect URL for a collection. This will send customers who try to access the collection to another URL of your choice.

To do this, go back to the “Edit Collection” page and scroll down to the “Redirect URL” section. Enter the URL you want customers to be redirected to in the “Redirect URL” field and click “Save collection.”

You can also add a link list of products that you don’t want customers to see in your shop’s navigation menu. To do this, go back to your Shopify admin and click on “Navigation. “ Find “Link lists,” and click on “Add link list. “ Give your link list a name and add any URLs that you want customers to be redirected to when they click on it.

Then, click “Add link. “ When you’re finished adding links, click “Save menu. “

These are just a few of the ways that you can hide collections on Shopify. Experiment with different methods and see what works best for you and your store. How Do I Hide Collections on Shopify? You have a few options: use the “Hide” option in Edit Collection page; password protect it; disable search engine indexing; add a redirect URL; or add a link list of products in Navigation

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.