Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Import a WooCommerce Order?

How Do I Import a WooCommerce Order?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:27 pm

Have you ever wanted to move an order from one WooCommerce site to another? Maybe you made a mistake and want to cancel an order, or you want to move an order from a development site to a live site. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to import orders into WooCommerce. In this article, we’ll show you how to do it.

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, there may come a time when you need to import orders from another store. For example, maybe you’re moving your store from one platform to another, or you need to cancel an order and refund a customer.

There are two ways to import orders into WooCommerce:

  • Manually: You can add orders manually through the WooCommerce admin panel. This is best for small numbers of orders.
  • Automatically: You can use a plugin or tool to automatically import orders from another store. This is best for large numbers of orders.

In this article, we’ll show you how to import orders into WooCommerce. We’ll cover both methods so that you can choose the one that’s best for your needs.

How To Import Orders Into WooCommerce Manually

  1. Log in to the WordPress admin panel for your site.
  1. Click on“Orders” in the left-hand sidebar.
  1. Click on the “Add Order” button. This will take you to the “Add New Order” page.
PRO TIP: If you are planning to import a WooCommerce order, please be aware that there is a risk of data loss. Please backup your database and files before proceeding.
  1. Enter the customer’s information. You’ll need to enter the customer’s name, email address, and shipping address. If you have this information in another format (like a CSV file), you can import it into WooCommerce.

    Just click on the “Import Customers” button at the bottom of the “Add New Order” page.

  1. Add products to the order. You can search for products by name or SKU. To add a product, click on the “Add Item” button next to it. Once you’ve added all of the products you want, click on the “Update” button at the bottom of the page.
    1. Choose a (free) shipping method. If (like flat rate shipping) there (are) no shipping costs associated with this order, leave this field blank.
    , or watch this quick video tutorial..

    < b > How To Import Orders Into WooCommerce Automatically

    If you need to import a large number of orders into WooCommerce, doing it manually can be time – consuming and error – prone . The better solution is to use a plugin or tool that will automatically import your orders for you .

    < p > There are many plugins and tools available that can help you automatically import orders into WooCommerce . Some are free , while others are paid . We’ve listed a few options below :

    < ul >

    < li > < b >< u > AutomateWoo : A plugin that automates various e – commerce tasks , including importing orders . Prices start at $ 99 per year .

    < li >< b >< u > WP All Import : A powerful plugin that can be used for various types of data imports , including WooCommerce orders . Prices start at $ 69 per year .

    < li >< b >< u > Zapier : A tool that connects different apps and services together , including WooCommerce . Prices start at $ 20 per month .

    < /ul >

    To learn more about these options , check out our complete guide on how
    to automatically import WooCommerce orders.< /a>, or watch this quick video tutorial.< /a>.

    As you can see , there are many ways to import orders into WooCommerce . Which method you choose depends on your needs and preferences .

    If you have a small number of orders , importing them manually might be the best option . But if you have a large number of orders , using a plugin or tool will save you time and hassle .

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.