Web Design » Photoshop » How do I make a video in Photoshop CC?

How do I make a video in Photoshop CC?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 7:52 pm

Making a video in Photoshop CC can be a bit daunting, but with a bit of know-how and some basic tools, it’s not too difficult. In this article, we’ll show you how to make a basic video in Photoshop CC, including how to record and edit footage, add effects, and create a finished product.

When making a video in Photoshop, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to be sure your computer has the necessary hardware and software in order to support video recording and editing.

Second, it’s important to have a good understanding of the basics of video editing, including how to add effects, adjust levels, and crop footage. Finally, make sure to choose a video format that will work best with your project – many video formats are available in Photoshop, but some may be more suitable than others.

To get started, first make sure your footage is properly recorded. To do this, you’ll need to install a video capture software, such as Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro, on your computer.

Once installed, open the software and start recording your footage. You can also use a video camera to capture footage, but this may be more difficult to set up and may require additional hardware.

When recording your footage, it’s important to keep in mind the basics of video editing. First, make sure your footage is properly framed and edited – if your footage is not properly framed or edited, your video will not look as good as it could.

PRO TIP: Warning: Making a video in Photoshop CC can be complex and time-consuming. Make sure you have a clear vision for your project before starting, and be prepared to spend a significant amount of time learning the software.

Second, make sure your footage is properly adjusted and levels – if your footage is not properly adjusted, it will look grainy and unpleasant. Finally, make sure to add effects and audio to your footage – this will help to make your video look more polished and professional.

Once your footage is recorded, it’s time to start editing it. To begin editing, you’ll need to open Photoshop CC and create a new document.

When creating the document, be sure to select the Proper resolution for video format option, which will allow you to use more powerful video editing tools.

When editing your footage, it’s important to keep in mind the basics of video editing.

When finished, it’s time to create a finished product. To do this, you’ll need to export your footage to a video format that will work best with your project.

Many video formats are available in Photoshop, but some may be more suitable than others. When exporting your footage, be sure to select the Proper resolution for video format option, which will allow you to use more powerful video editing tools.

When finished, your video should look similar to the example below. In this example, we’ve used footage from Adobe Premiere to create a basic video in Photoshop CC.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.