Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Merge Layers Without Losing Effects in Photoshop?

How Do I Merge Layers Without Losing Effects in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 25, 2023 @ 1:24 pm

Lossless merging of two layers in Photoshop is possible if both layers contain the same number of pixels. To do this, open both images in Photoshop and select the layer you want to merge from the Layers panel. Next, click on the layer mask icon at the bottom of the panel to add a mask to the layer.

With the layer mask selected, click on the Edit menu and choose Fill from the drop-down menu. In the Fill dialog box, choose Use: All Layers from the Use drop-down menu and click OK. The layer will now be merged without any loss of information.

If you need to resize one of the images before merging, it’s best to do this using an interpolation method that doesn’t introduce any new pixels, such as bicubic interpolation. To do this, open both images in Photoshop and select Image > Image Size from the menu bar.

In the Image Size dialog box, make sure that Resample Image is unchecked and click OK. The image will now be resized without any new pixels being introduced.

Once both images are the same size, you can merge them without any loss of information. Simply select both layers in the Layers panel and click on the Merge Layers icon at the bottom of the panel. The two layers will now be merged into one.

PRO TIP: If you are considering merging layers in Photoshop, be aware that you may lose some of your layer effects in the process. Make sure to save your project before merging, and test the results on a copy of your project first to be safe.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.