Website Building » Weebly » How Do I Move My Weebly Site to Another Host?

How Do I Move My Weebly Site to Another Host?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 2:46 pm

Are you thinking of moving your Weebly site to another host? Maybe you’re not happy with your current host, or you’re looking for a better deal.

Whatever the reason, moving your Weebly site to another host is actually pretty easy to do. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Export your Weebly site. The first thing you’ll need to do is export your Weebly site. To do this, go to your Weebly dashboard and click on “Settings.”

Then, click on “Export.” Weebly will then generate an HTML file of your entire site. This can take a few minutes, depending on the size of your site.

2. Import your Weebly site to your new host. Once you have the HTML file of your Weebly site, you’ll need to import it into your new host.

To do this, simply follow their instructions – most hosts have a similar process. You’ll likely need to create a new account with your new host first.

3. Update your DNS settings.

The last step is to update your DNS settings. This tells the internet where to find your website. To do this, you’ll need to log into your domain registrar (where you bought your domain name) and update the “nameservers.”

You’ll need to point them to your new host. Each host has different nameservers, so be sure to get this information from them first. Once you’ve updated the nameservers, it can take up to 24 hours for the changes to propagate (take effect).

PRO TIP: If you are considering moving your Weebly site to another host, there are a few things you should be aware of. First, Weebly does not currently offer an easy way to export your site content. This means that you will need to manually recreate your site on the new host. Additionally, if you are using any custom code or third-party applications on your Weebly site, they may not work on the new host. Be sure to research any potential hosting providers thoroughly before making the switch.

That’s it! Those are the simple steps for moving your Weebly site to another host.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.