Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Save a .ICO File in Photoshop CC?

How Do I Save a .ICO File in Photoshop CC?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 2:53 pm

ICO files are a great way to save images, especially icons, in a format that is both easy to view and easy to work with. Photoshop CC makes it easy to save ICO files, and the process is the same regardless of whether you are saving an icon or any other type of image.

To save an ICO file in Photoshop CC, simply open the image you want to save as an ICO file and select “File > Save As.” In the “Save As” dialog box, select “ICO” from the “Format” drop-down menu and then click “Save.” That’s all there is to it!

PRO TIP: When saving an ICO file in Photoshop CC, be sure to use the correct file format options or else the file may not save correctly. Additionally, make sure to export the ICO file at the correct size or else it may appear distorted.

Saving an ICO file in Photoshop CC is a quick and easy process that anyone can do. Simply open the image you want to save as an icon and select “File > Save As.”

In the “Save As” dialog box, select “ICO” from the drop-down menu and then click “Save.” That’s all there is to it!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.