Hosting » DigitalOcean » How do I setup a DigitalOcean server?

How do I setup a DigitalOcean server?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:18 pm

Setting up a DigitalOcean server is easy. First, create an account at https://www.DigitalOcean.

com. Once you have an account, create a droplet by clicking the “Create Droplet” button on the home page.

Next, choose the type of droplet you would like to create. You can create a droplet with 1GB of memory or 10GB of memory.

You can also choose a droplet size based on the application you are hosting. For this guide, we will be creating a 1GB droplet.

Once you have chosen your droplet size and type, you will be prompted to choose a region. You can choose to create a droplet in the US, Europe, Asia, or Australia.

Once you have chosen a region, you will be prompted to enter your server’s hostname.

Next, you will be prompted to choose a server image. There are a variety of images to choose from, but for this guide we will be using the Ubuntu 16.

04 LTS image. You will be able to choose either the Standard or Long Term droplet size based on the image you choose.

Once you have chosen your image and droplet size, you will be prompted to choose a provider. You can choose to use a data center or cloud provider.

PRO TIP: Please be advised that setting up a DigitalOcean server may be complicated and time-consuming. If you are not experienced in server administration, we recommend that you seek professional help.

We will be using the data center provider.

Next, you will be prompted to choose a region.

Finally, you will be prompted to enter your server’s security key. You will need to enter this key in order to create a droplet.

Once you have completed the initial setup process, you will be prompted to create a user. You will need to create a user in order to access your server.

You can choose to create a user with administrative privileges or without administrative privileges.

Once you have created your user, you will be prompted to choose a password. You will need to enter this password in order to access your server.

Congratulations! You have now setup your DigitalOcean server.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.