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How Do I Unhide All Layers in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 16, 2023 @ 6:35 am

If you’re working with a Photoshop document that has multiple layers, you may find it helpful to view all the layers at once. By default, Photoshop will only show one layer at a time in the Layers panel. But you can easily change this by selecting the “All Layers” option from the Select menu at the top.

For the complete procedures, read through the steps below to unhide all layers in Photoshop:

1. Open the Select panel menu and choose “All Layers” from the list of options. This should select all your layers at once. You can check this in the Layers panel on the right.

NOTE: You can also use the keyboard shortcut “Alt+Ctrl+A” to do this procedure.

2. After selecting all the layers, open the “Layer” menu and click the “Show Layers” option from the list.

NOTE: The “Show All Layers” option will show all layers, even those that are hidden.

3. Now all of your layers can be seen in your Photoshop canvas!

NOTE: Shown layers are indicated by a small eye icon next to the layer thumbnail in the Layers panel. This icon would not be visible if the layers are hidden.
PRO TIP: If you are working on a Photoshop project that has multiple layers, it is important to be aware that there is a potential risk associated with using the “Show Layers” function. This function can cause all of the layers in your project to become visible, which may not be what you intended. If you inadvertently make all of the layers visible, it may be difficult to return your project to the way it was before.

You can also use the small eye icon option just beside the layer itself under the Layers panel menu to quickly view/hide a single layer while hiding/viewing all other layers. This is helpful when you’re trying to isolate a particular layer or element in your document.

In conclusion, you can unhide all layers in Photoshop by opening the Select panel menu and selecting “All Layers” from the list of options. You can also click on the “Show/Hide Layers” option from the Layer menu at the top.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.